I never understood why Miles (dude from the first game) carried what felt little more than a home VHS camera, but Blake has this awesome digital deal that looks and feels more aligned with the current day. The camera, to its credit, is significantly better than the original.

True to form of being both a journalist and apparently not even considering weapons, Outlast 2 gives you a video camera, a limited battery, and a svelte figure that allows you to creep under fences, jump up to grab ladders and fit easily under beds and into closets to hide. Not a lot has changed from the formula of the first Outlast. He’s up a creek, and the stream is going to lead to some pretty awful answers in the form of not one but TWO cults and just the most horrifying, creepy visuals you can imagine right from the word go. Now, unlike the original Outlast, Blake here doesn’t have the perfectly logical choice to get the hell out and let someone else deal with this. Within seconds of the game beginning, the helicopter gets shot down, Blake awakens at night, Lynn is gone and someone has gutted and crucified the pilot. Blake and his wife take a helicopter to the Arizona desert in hopes of finding some answers, because getting the story is super important, and neither Blake nor Lynn is willing to do all their research safely behind a desk. Outlast 2 puts you in the shoes of Blake Langermann, a journalist (oh no) who is traveling with his wife, Lynn (oh NO) to look into the shocking murder of a pregnant woman who has no identity (OH GOD NO). Outlast 2 takes place some time after the events of the first game, and, no, it answers zero questions regarding the Wallrider or anything that was set up at the conclusion (maybe a third is in our future?). Outlast 2 decides to pick up and bring us down the next best thing: the cult, especially the incredibly intense and violent Christian offspring cults.Good news, folks: Outlast 2 is way scarier than it’s predecessor. Not something we’re proud of, but it happened and now it’s a perfect groundwork for a scary story. Outlast took us down the first pathway that sits ugly in the halls of history, the abandoned mental asylum. And, in the West, we have several elements that really spook us down in our souls, either due to firsthand experience, historic reference or colloquial retelling. It feels like a trope, but that’s because it’s damn true.

Think: how many games out of Asia are set in a school? And this isn’t just because school is generally a harsh time in life: schools, especially high schools in Asia, are creepy, nightmarish places due to design and the way they look at night. There’s nothing quite like a good Western scary story, is there? For people from around the globe, we all have situations and scenarios that scare us because it’s relatable.